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How to control respiratory diseases in pigs while reducing antibiotic use? HIPRA provides the keys in Colombia


Following the success of the HIPRA University training courses in Europe, Latin America and Asia, the HIPRA UNIVERSITY course focussing on the "Control of respiratory health against a background of reduced antibiotic use" was held in Colombia this October.

It was attended by over 100 veterinarians and swine producers.


The sessions started by putting the global situation regarding the use of antibiotics into context, focussing in particular on the need to reduce their prophylactic use because of the increasing emergence of resistance (giving rise to what we know as ‘superbacteria’).

How to keep animals free of swine respiratory diseases was also discussed, with special emphasis on the role of nasal microbiota in the health of animals, and how this can be altered by various factors, such as the use of antimicrobials, imbalances between bacteria and the management of maternal immunity.


The most relevant aspects of bacterial diseases in pigs were also covered, especially the pathogens that are regarded as early colonisers, including Bordetella bronchiseptica and Haemophilus parasuis.

Their dynamics of infection were analysed and how, in the majority of cases, the pigs are coinfected with several of these bacteria, so that they may suffer more serious symptoms and lesions.

Finally, the options for treatment and control were reviewed, with the emphasis on vaccination as the principal option for prevention.


Participating in the session were Emili Barba (Corporate Product Manager for the vaccine HIPRASUIS® GLÄSSER against Glässer’s disease), Alba Martos (Corporate Product Manager of the vaccine RHINISENG® against progressive and non progressive swine atrophic rhinitis) and Ruth del Carmen Hinestrosa (Technical & Marketing Manager HIPRA Colombia).

The course forms part of the HIPRA University continuing education programme that offers customised training solutions for veterinarians.