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Synergistic effects of atrophic rhinitis and glässer disease vaccination on pig performance


Souza, T.C.G.D.; De Lucas, L. ; Ballarà, I. ; Boix, O.

This study aimed to assess the effectiveness and productivity impact of comprehensive vaccination strategies against Bb, Pasteurella multocida type D, and Gp on pig performance and the overall economic benefit of the farm, as an alternative to the prophylactic use of antibiotics during both the nursery and fattening phase.

The vaccination strategy using Rhiniseng® and Hiprasuis® Glasser significantly enhanced performance, demonstrating superior ADWG, improved FCR, and reduced mortality throughout both the nursery and fattening phases. The lower incidence of pleurisy and the improved atrophic rhinitis index support the efficacy of the vaccination program compared to antibiotic use. These results suggest that vaccination against non-progressive atrophic rhinitis contributes to reducing the incidence of S.suis in piglets. An economic return on investment of 8.82 indicates that these strategies not only improve animal health but also enhance the profitability of swine production.

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