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HIPRA presents ERAVAC®, the new vaccine against RHDV2, in Italy


On 8th February, HIPRA brought together a group of experts from the cuniculture sector in Fossano (Italy) to present ERAVAC®, HIPRA’s new vaccine against RHDV2. Enrico Bailo (Subsidiary Business/General Manager of HIPRA Italia) opened the event with a presentation of HIPRA and its involvement and experience in the production of vaccines for the cuniculture sector. .


Michelle Woodward (Cuniculture Product Manager) spoke about the appearance of a new variant of Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (RHDV2) and the pathogenesis, diagnosis and epidemiological situation of the virus, presenting data on the presence and spread of the virus in Europe, as well as the monitoring carried out in DIAGNOS.

She then presented ERAVAC®, the first vaccine against RHDV2 which has centralised marketing authorisation for the whole of the European Union, bringing a guarantee of quality, efficacy and safety. Finally, the event was brought to a close by Xavier Mora, a veterinarian who is an expert in cuniculture, who gave a presentation on different clinical cases and experiences in the field with the virus and the vaccine.

By organising this type of event, HIPRA demonstrates its commitment to the prevention of RHDV2 and its support for the Italian cuniculture sector.