Prevention of swine erysipelas (SE) is based on vaccination, which relies on the protective role of the specific antibodies against Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. Despite the proven efficacy of existing vaccines, inadequate vaccination protocols may lead to the emergence of SE outbreaks, as recently reported in Japan and Australia. Therefore, serological monitoring of SE is essential in disease control. The aim of this study was to compare two commercial ELISA kits in terms of their competence to assess immunization of SE vaccinated and naturally infected pigs.
- Beranda
- Kesehatan Hewan
- Pengetahuan
- Experimental and field evaluation of the performan ...
Experimental and field evaluation of the performance of two ELISA methods to detect seroconversion against swine erysipelas in pigs
Sánchez-Matamoros, A; Blanch, M; Valls, L; Camprodon, A; Maldonado, J.
IPVS Congress, 2016
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HIPRA Stats adalah layanan analisis data untuk perusahaan produksi hewan.
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