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5a. VACCINATION: The key to control Chlamydia

양과 염소

At HIPRA we have launched to the market INMEVA®, the first inactivated vaccine against abortions caused by Chlamydia and Salmonella which reduces the appearance of clinical signs caused by both pathogens and also the shedding of these, helping to control the disease in the flock.

Innovative process of inactivation

The complex process of inactivation of Chlamydia used in this vaccine allows the outer protein membrane to be preserved.

This, combined with a high antigenic load and the selection of the appropriate adjuvant, gives INMEVA® a high level of efficacy.

It is safe and effective to use even during pregnancy and lactation

This proven efficacy and safety makes it much easier to maintain immunity on the farm by vaccination of the entire flock.

Furthermore, with INMEVA®, there is no risk of infection by vaccine strain, which has been shown to be the case with other commercial vaccines currently on the market.

With INMEVA®, we strengthen our commitment to small ruminants, offering the sector high added value solutions to meet the needs of our consumers.