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Inovação da nova geração da Vacina Complexo-Imune GUMBOHATCH®


At HIPRA we have registered in the European Union GUMBOHATCH®, a live attenuated and IBD antibody complex vaccine against Infectious bursal disease.

The innovative formula of this immune-complex vaccine includes unique antibodies extracted from eggs. GUMBOHATCH® can be applied in the hatchery by in-ovo injection or by subcutaneous injection in the chick at birth.


GUMBOHATCH® has an RFID chip and can be applied using a subcutaneous administration device

GUMBOHATCH® is also a technological vaccine for Gumboro prevention based on HIPRA’s unique concept known as SMART VACCINATION.

It is the first IBD vaccine on the market with an RFID chip in the label of each vial that will guarantee full traceability of the vaccination process, thanks to the subcutaneous injector Hipraject® or the device Hipratracer in-ovo.

With this new vaccine, we at HIPRA reaffirm our commitment to the prevention of Infectious bursal disease, providing innovation and technology to the Animal Health industry.