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2. "Lack of sensitivity is the main problem"


Interview with:

ELENA NOVELL, Swine veterinarian

Laboratory Technical Director at GSP (Grup Sanejament Porcí) which is the main laboratory for swine testing in Catalunya and one of the biggest in Spain (region with a swine density of around 300 head/km2). 

Yearly swine samples tested (ELISA) by GSP laboratory: between 500,000 and 600,000.

In your opinion, what are the main problems related to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae diagnosis? 

Lack of sensitivity in the assays is definitely the main difficulty when diagnosing Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in swine. 


In what way using CIVTEST® SUIS MHYO diagnostic kit help you to obtain differential results?

It is one of the most sensitive ELISA tests for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae that we have tried.


Do you think that the slight difference in protocol of putting the sample in two microwells (instead of one) makes up for the reliability of the results?

Yes, for our lab it is not an inconvenience.


Do you often get suspect results? 

Almost never.


What caught your eye about CIVTEST® SUIS MHYO and why did you decide to use it?

We tried it on vaccinated farms and it gave excellent results.


What were the main benefits to both product quality and results? 

The repeatability of the assay, with practically no false positive results at all.


What would you say to a lab manager who has doubts about using CIVTEST® SUIS MHYO?

I would tell him/her not to hesitate any more, it is a good product, we have been using it for many years and have never had a problem. In addition, I would say that the delivery of the product is really quick. HIPRA has a very fast and effective customer service.