
Visit to HIPRA by the Master of Aquaculture students from Barcelona


There are currently 13 students on this Masters course, which is organized jointly by the University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

The day started with a corporate presentation of HIPRA and of its vision as a key player in the animal health industry, how vaccination works in the Aquaculture industry and HIPRA’s contribution to this important and constantly developing  sector.

It also pointed out the different business opportunities within the sector in terms of prevention in aquaculture health.

The students then toured the facilities, following the different stages involved in the creation of a new fish vaccine:

The R+D Department where the entire research process is carried out for the creation of a vaccine; the Biologicals Production Plant where the vaccine is manufactured on an industrial scale; and finally, the Packaging Plant, where the vaccine container and labelling are prepared for shipment.

At the end of the day, the students gave a positive assessment of the opportunity that they had had to visit a veterinary pharmaceutical company and to find out about the whole process of creating a vaccine.

With this educational initiative, HIPRA demonstrates its commitment to the training of young professionals in the aquaculture industry and reaffirms its dedication to prevention in Animal Health.
