
ERYSENG® PARVO/LEPTO arrives in Brazil and Peru

HIPRA is in the midst of the global launch of its first trivalent vaccine ERYSENG® PARVO/LEPTO, which started in Brazil and Peru.

The first event took place on 15th September last in the exclusive Royal Palm Plaza de Campinas hotel (Sao Paulo). On this occasion, HIPRA brought together over 80 swine specialists who, led by experts Alberto Stephano (international consultant, Stephano Consultores SC, Mexico), Enric Marco (international consultant, Marco Vetgrup SL, Spain), Glauber Machado (head of R&D, Trouw Nutrition, Brazil), Maria Pieters (Professor at the University of Minnesota, USA) and Roberto Guedes (Professor, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) explored the past, present and future of swine production in Latin America in an exciting event moderated by Isaac Rodríguez (Regional Technical & Marketing Manager, HIPRA).

The second event took place on 22nd September in the prestigious Belmond Miraflores Park hotel in Lima. Attended by 40 professionals from the swine industry in Peru, the main focus of the event was a practical review of the infectious and non-infectious causes of reproductive failure in sows, under the guidance of Ivo Wentz (Professor, Federal University of Río Grande do Sul, Brazil) and Isaac Rodríguez (HIPRA).

To conclude both sessions, Agustí Camprodon (Corporate Brand Manager, HIPRA) presented the new trivalent vaccine against swine Erysipelas, Parvovirosis and Leptospirosis: ERYSENG® PARVO/LEPTO. This is a unique and innovative vaccine that will revolutionise the market thanks to its perfect balance between safety and efficacy.

With the launch of ERYSENG® PARVO/LEPTO, HIPRA consolidates the SENG range as “the most modern and complete range of vaccines for breeders”, and strengthens its commitment to continue to grow as the Reference in Prevention for Animal Health.