
HIPRA 2025, from Reference to Leader


press conference was held on 27th April at the company’s headquarters in Amer (Girona) and was attended by 20 specialist veterinary and livestock media.

The objective was to announce to the specialist media in the industry in Spain the withdrawal of medicated premixes from our catalogue and the company’s future challenges, in line with the strategy set out in 2008 to become the market leader in prevention in animal health.

Joan Tarradas, Managing Director of HIPRA ESPAÑA, explained the developement of the subsidiary, since we decided in 2008 that our strategic vision was to be the Reference in Prevention in Animal Health”. In that sense, the product catalogue has been adapted to bring it into line with HIPRA’s strategy and in this vein Joan recalled that this year “medicated premixes have been withdrawn from the catalogue. This announcement, that initially caused consternation on the market because of HIPRA’s leading market position in these segments, was in response to “a considered and voluntary decision in keeping with our company’s strategy that will free up resources that will be dedicated to prevention”.

Javier Sanz, Marketing Director, announced that “HIPRA will not be launching any new pharmaceutical product” and predicted that “once again, HIPRA will be the company that launches most vaccines in the coming decade”. He also emphasized the effort made by the company to provide its customers with a combination of innovative products and services for Prevention of the principal diseases. Accordingly, he declared that “HIPRA will be the leading company in Spain for biologicals in the coming years”.

Finally, Carlos Montañés, Managing Director of HIPRA, explained the origins of the company and how the decision taken in 2008 to invest exclusively in prevention had been crucial in the company’s track record and current success. Summarizing his presentation, Carlos Montañés referred to the “values by which the HIPRA project is sustained and which have been valid and unchanging since its foundation: excellence, credibility and optimism”.

Following the presentations, those attending the press conference were able to put questions to the speakers on the subjects dealt with during the session. They were then offered a guided visit to our R+D facilities and to CIAMER EAST, where they were also able to see the advanced state of the new biologicals plant that will allow current production to be doubled.

The event took place in a very cordial and intimate atmosphere that facilitated interaction between all the participants and the generation of synergies that are so necessary in the industry.

Therefore, we are strengthening our relationship with the specialist press, this being the channel chosen to disseminate our vision of the future to all veterinarians and livestock farmers in Spain.