On September 30th, HIPRA HELLAS held an event addressing the problems caused by chlamydial infection in sheep and goats farming, along with the available market solutions to deal with them. More than 80 sheep and goat veterinarians attended the event, which took place at the Limneon Resort & Spa in Kastoria, Greece, throughout the weekend.
The Ruminant team at HIPRA HELLAS organized an event for veterinarians in the sheep and goat sector with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of preventing enzootic abortion of ewes and goats. Veterinarians from across the country had the opportunity to listen to Prof. Fthenakis (DVM, MSc, PhD, Dip. ECAR, Dip. ECSRHM, Professor of University. of Thessaly) speaking about the current situation regarding abortions in small ruminants in Greece. Also, Prof. Petridou (DVM, PhD, Associate Professor of Aristotle University, Thessaloniki) discussed ovine enzootic abortion and how to implement a proper diagnostic strategy for its accurate identification on farms. Prof. Kiosis (DVM, PhD, DECSRHM, Professor of Aristotle University, Thessaloniki) provided practical insights on how to act for disease control once it is present on the farm.