
HIPRA participates in the XXIIth National AVEDILA Symposium

HIPRA attended the XXIIth AVEDILA (Association of Veterinarians Specializing in Veterinary Diagnostics) Symposium on 16 and 17 November 2017 in Valladolid (Spain).

The aim of this congress is to communicate to members of the scientific community and diagnostics in Animal Health the different scientific advances in the industry.


HIPRA participated in the event with an oral communication on the sensitivity and specificity of CIVTEST® SUIS MHYO given by Montse Ortiz, Corporate Product Manager at HIPRA, that was entitled “Evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of CIVTEST® SUIS MHYO in samples of swine serum from different geographic areas of the USA”.

In addition, Sandra Gascón, Corporate Product Manager at HIPRA, presented a poster entitled Improvement of CIVTEST AVI EDS: comparison with the 'Gold standard' technique”.


With its presence at the XXIIth National AVEDILA Symposium, HIPRA affirms and strengthens its commitment to veterinary diagnostics.