HIPRA 大學為專業人士提供策略領域的高品質訓練計劃
家禽沙氏桿菌症不活化疫苗, 注射用乳劑
傳染性可利查不活化疫苗, 注射用乳劑
傳染性支氣管炎活毒疫苗 H120株, 口服冷凍乾燥凍晶
Get your full poultry vaccination plan encompassing all essential data for avian vaccination.
This programme allows you to calculate the optimal dilution of EVANT® & EVALON® for the best coarse spray administration.
This programme allows you to calculate the optimal vaccination date against IBD (infectious bursal disease)
產蛋下降症候群、新城雞病及傳染性支氣管炎不活化疫苗, 注射用乳劑