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Environment, Society and Governance

HIPRA's Corporate Sustainability Strategy defines and establishes the company's guidelines for the coming years to manage and control the potential impacts generated by HIPRA's operations in the development of its activities. 

The Strategy has been designed in line with the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN and considering three axes: the environment (GO GREEN), people (GO PEOPLE), and governance (GO ETHICAL).

Go Greeen

In this regard, we find aspects that are fundamental for the company, including energy efficiency and reducing its operational water footprint, as well as promoting the circular economy and reducing resource use. 

Within this area, the most relevant topic on the current international agenda and for HIPRA is the fight against climate change. This is why its efforts to mitigate and adapt to this phenomenon are reflected here.

Go People

Within this scope, we study the company’s true impact on people, healthcare professionals and veterinarians (prescribers or not), as well as its impact within the community. 

Likewise, it is important to foster an environment that encourages legitimate and healthy work relations and promotes the professional and personal development of HIPRA staff, driving them to reach their maximum potential and well-being.

GO Ethical

The concept of “Governance” refers to the measures, policies and procedures that promote the proper governing of the company. 

That is why environmental and social policies depend on governance, to a certain extent, seeking excellence in managing ethics and compliance.