STARTVAC® (HIPRA) is a polyvalent mastitis vaccine, directed against both enterobacterial and staphylococcal species, that has been registered for use in the European Union and in many other countries worldwide. The STARTVAC® formulation is based in the inactivated Escherichia coli J5 strain and a Staphylococcus aureus bacteria containing the exopolysaccharide Poly-N-acetyl β-1,6 glucosamine (PNAG) involved the biofilm phenotype of the bacteria. The objective of this study was to analyse the reactivity of the antibodies induced by the STARTVAC® vaccine against S. aureus and E. coli bovine mastitis isolates from different areas of Japan and Europe.
- Hjem
- Dyresundhed
- Antigenicity differences between Japanese and Euro ...
Antigenicity differences between Japanese and European Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bovine mastitis isolates
Prenafeta, A.; Cesio, M.
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Relaterede tjenester
An innovative service based on data analysis that facilitates decision-making in Cattle
HIPRA Stats er en dataanalysetjeneste for dyreproduktionsvirksomheder.
Denne online-beregningsmodel giver dig mulighed for at udregne dine bedriftsudgifter, fastslå omkostningerne i forbindelse med klinisk og subklinisk mastitis samt analysere produktionstabet i forbindelse med mastitis
HIPRA University tilbyder uddannelsesprogrammer af høj kvalitet inden for strategiske interesseområder til fagfolk
HIPRA har udviklet adskillige online-redskaber specielt til støtte for dyrlæger og andre fagfolk inden for husdyrproduktionen
Få adgang til en avanceret diagnostisk service med maksimal brugerkomfort og pålidelighed