The apicomplexan genus Eimeria comprises at least 1160 species that parasitize vertebrate animals (Levine, 1988). Those found in farm animals cause serious financial losses worldwide, with poultry perhaps being the worst affected. In chickens, Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria brunetti, Eimeria maxima, Eimeria mitis, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria praecox and Eimeria tenella each causes a separately recognizable disease resulting from the fundamental differences among the pathogenic effects characteristic of each species.
- Hjem
- Dyresundhed
- Pathogenesis of Eimeria praecox in chickens: virul ...
Pathogenesis of Eimeria praecox in chickens: virulence of field strains compared with laboratory strains of E. praecox and Eimeria acervulina
Williams, R. B.; Marshall, R. N.; Pagès, M.; Dardi, M.; del Cacho, E.
The apicomplexan genus Eimeria comprises at least 1160 species that parasitize vertebrate animals (Levine, 1988). Those found in farm animals cause serious financial losses worldwide, with poultry perhaps being the worst affected. In chickens, Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria brunetti, Eimeria maxima, Eimeria mitis, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria praecox and Eimeria tenella each causes a separately recognizable disease resulting from the fundamental differences among the pathogenic effects characteristic of each species.
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Get your full poultry vaccination plan encompassing all essential data for avian vaccination.
HIPRA has developed a serial of services englobed under the new GLOBAL HATCHERY HEALTH PROGRAMME (GHHP), the new service for hatcheries that will bring innovation and real-time control of the HEALTH of the hatchery.
HIPRAs Smart Vaccination er et revolutionerende koncept, der kombinerer en innovativ vaccine med RFID-teknologi i etiketten på flasken, en nålefri injektor, der sikrer præcis og effektiv vaccination, og en ny verden fuld af digitale løsninger i HIPRAlink. Alle disse elementer er udviklet internt af HIPRA.
Til fjerkræ er spydspidserne for Smart Vaccination vores innovative vacciner GUMBOHATCH® og EVALON®, spraykabinettet Hipraspray®, Hipraject® og den professionelle veterinære app HIPRAlink® :
An innovative service based on data analysis that facilitates decision-making in Poultry
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Et nyt koncept inden for sprayudstyr: Hipraspray® er etspecifikt spraykabinet, der sikrer akkuratesse, præcision, ensartethed og pålidelighed
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