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What does Hipraspray® give us that other devices already on the market do not (Part 2)?


As mentioned in the previous post “What does Hipraspray® give us that other devices already on the market do not? (Part 1)” Hipraspray® is the first device that has been specially developed for the administration of the Eimeria vaccines EVALON and HIPRACOX®.

The previous post provided details on the following points, which on this occasion, we will merely list.

1. Automatic adjustment of pressure and of the volume administered, ensuring correct administration of the vaccine in terms of both volume and droplet size, namely 200-250 microns, which is the size recommended in order not to affect the Eimeria oocysts.

2. Stirrer included in the design, giving correct homogenisation of the suspension, thereby ensuring the correct distribution of Eimeria oocysts, both in the suspension and during administration.

3. Automatic calibration according to the size of the box, thereby simplifying the daily work of the hatchery personnel.

Another point to bear in mind with regard to Hipraspray®, which also makes a substantial difference compared to other machines on the market, is the ability to include traceability in the vaccination process, thereby creating total customer confidence in the administration of the vaccine and its efficacy.

4. Traceability and control during vaccination:

The ability to trace the entire vaccine application process is a very important feature and brings an added advantage to vaccination as a result of the ability of Hipraspray® to link up with a data network and send and receive all the information relating to the vaccination.

This requires the HIPRALink® software which links the information created regarding sessions and planning of vaccination dates with the vaccination process, with the possibility of receiving information on vaccination in real time.

From the production perspective, traceability works on two levels:

  1. At hatchery level: The hatchery manager can plan hatchings and manage vaccinations from either the website, tablet or smartphone. This means that the vaccination process can be planned and managed from anywhere at any time. The possibility of tracing the vaccination process in the hatchery is highly valued from the perspective of the hatchery manager.

  2. At final producer level: At this level, it is the final customer who will reap the benefit of traceability. So what does traceability look like in this case? Very easy, HIPRALink® generates users at final customer level, and it is these who will give their permission to the hatchery to share all the information relating to the vaccination process with them.

    So that a traceability report is received showing all the information relating to the EVALON® and HIPRACOX Eimeria vaccines and the number of vials and doses applied at the time vaccination is carried out.

    This report will represent certification of the correct administration of the vaccine, thus reassuring the producer as regards response and efficacy.

5. An intelligent and low-maintenance vaccination device.

Apart from being a high-precision vaccination device that ensures correct distribution of the Eimeria strains, Hipraspray® is also able to warn of any irregularity during vaccination.

As Hipraspray® is an intelligent vaccination system, it is able to give a dose level warning by sending a warning signal to inform us that the dose level is insufficient for the number of birds to be vaccinated. This reminds us to prepare more vaccine and load it into the system in order to continue with the vaccination process.

On the other hand, Hipraspray® is a system with very low maintenance requirements. Replacement parts have been reduced to a minimum, with only a simple change of piston being required as well as basic maintenance of the nozzles. Its autocalibration facility also greatly simplifies the work in the hatchery.

And finally, it is a hygienic device that is easy to clean both externally and internally.

Internal cleaning of Hipraspray® follows the usual cleaning protocols in the hatchery, with a final cleaning process required at the end of each working day in order to ensure that vaccine residues left in the circuit after vaccination are properly removed.

To summarise, Hipraspray® is a vaccination device that has been developed for the correct administration of EVALON® and HIPRACOX® Eimeria vaccines, adapted to our time, that generates certification of the vaccine by means of traceability of the vaccination process.