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Hipra Animal Health
Animal Health

Since its inception, HIPRA has supported veterinarians, farmers and pet owners in disease prevention through the development of innovative vaccines, vaccination devices, diagnostic services and advanced data analysis

With over 50 years of experience in researching, producing, and marketing animal health vaccines, HIPRA has positioned itself as the fifth-largest veterinary product company worldwide.

For HIPRA, prevention is the best alternative to antibiotic usage in animals, enhancing the quality of animal protein consumed by humans and reducing antimicrobial resistance. This vision aligns with the strategy of the One Health global initiative, which advocates for the health of people, animals and the environment.


Dedicated to shaping the future of the pig sector, HIPRA has distinguished itself as the company that has launched the most vaccines on the market in recent years. 


As a result of its dedication to veterinarians and farmers, HIPRA prevents diseases in sows and piglets through the development of innovative vaccines and tailored services. These offerings not only assist customers in their daily operations and decision-making, but also aim to ensure efficient and sustainable production on their pig farms. 

Swine Animal Health

With a focus on prevention, HIPRA is dedicated to ensuring safe and high-quality meat and egg production within the poultry industry.  

This commitment is underscored by investments in cutting-edge technology to combat major poultry diseases. 

HIPRA develops innovative solutions to optimise the animal vaccination process. 

Poultry Animal Health
Cattle, Goats and Sheep

HIPRA stands as a global leader in preventive strategies against the main pathogens responsible for bovine mastitis


It has also shielded herds from BRD and other viral and bacterial infections for over 50 years.  


In response to evolving needs, HIPRA offers innovative vaccines, including those targeting reproductive issues in small ruminants

Ruminants Animal Health

HIPRA is actively developing innovative vaccines to combat prevalent rabbit diseases.


Additionally, it provides guidance and training to farms and veterinary clinics to optimise vaccination protocols. 


HIPRA understands how important your dog is to you; therefore, it is committed to preventing all major canine diseases.  


By developing preventive strategies involving biological and diagnostic products, our experts help pets to live longer and healthier lives, prioritising the well-being of our four-legged friends while also offering environmentally sustainable solutions for veterinary clinics. 


Aquaculture plays a crucial role in ensuring a sustainable and affordable supply of high-quality animal protein for a growing population. To help achieve these goals, HIPRA works with fish farmers, providing its ICTHIOVAC vaccine range and the Autovaccine Service to deliver tailored solutions, all with the support of the Diagnostic Service.  

To deliver the best products, we adhere to the GMP quality standard, ensuring the reliable and safe production of first-class vaccines.  

Fish Animal Health

Publications and articles related to animal health.