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AUSKIPRA® GN confers to piglets a complete protection against a lethal infection with a pseudorabies virus variant in China


Zeng, R.; Wang, J.; Torrents, D.; Martinez, C.; Pedrazuela, R.; Galé, I.

Appeared in

APVS Congress, 2015

AUSKIPRA GN with either A3 or RED diluent can provide complete protection against PRV variant AH02LA strain, virus shedding was reduced further in A3 group in relation to RED group. Carbomer and Levamisole in A3 diluent might contribute to the additional improvement.

Since late 2010, pseudorabies virus (PRV) has swept across China causing sporadic outbreaks in swine herds. PRV variants were isolated from those farms. The aim of this study is to check whether Bartha-K61 vaccine can confer protection in pigs infected with PRV variants under experimental conditions.

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