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Beneficial impact of piglets vaccination with UNISTRAIN® PRRS before transport to fattening farms with high risk of PRRS virus infection


Kim, J.H.; Kim, M.H.; Seo, S.W.

Appeared in

IPVS Congress China, 2018

The commercial type-2 PRRS MLV could not control the type-1 PRRSV infection. However, in the same production system, UNISTRAIN® PRRS showed significant improvement in productivity reducing significantly the mortality. In overall, piglet vaccination with UNISTRAIN® PRRS impoves productivity especially in farms co-infected with type 1 and 2 PRRSV2.

Through this study, the efficacy of UNISTRAIN® PRRS administered to 8 week of age piglets was evaluated in fattening farms with severe respiratory disorder caused by PRRSV. 

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