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Case of study: evaluation of the impact of mastitis vaccination on mastitis treatment in a dairy goat farm in the southwest of Spain

Sheep and goats

Sánchez, R.; Sanz, M. A.; Calvo, T.; Martinez, J.

Results show that vaccination against Staphylococcal mastitis with VIMCO® can effectively minimize the amount of mastitis treatments (antibiotics and NSAIDs) in the herd. Furthermore, the drop in mastitis treatments was associated with a reduction in mastitis cases. These results suggest that including vaccination in a mastitis control program may be a good approach to prevent the disease and reduce the use of mastitis treatments, thereby improving milk quality and public health.

Staphylococci are the main pathogens responsible for mastitis in dairy goat herds. Implementation of a mastitis control program is an essential step in improving milk quality and preventing infection. One of the measures that can be included in these control programs is vaccination. The objective of this field trial was to evaluate the efficacy of vaccination for Staphylococcal mastitis in reducing mastitis treatments.

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