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Case study with vaccination against Streptococcus uberis infections in 3 dutch dairy herds


Beulens, A.J.G., Hartjes, J.H.J.

Appeared in

National Mastitis Council, 2021

The monovalent vaccine against Strep. uberis (UBAC®, HIPRA) administered to dairy cows following the vaccination schedule implemented in this study, is efficacious in reducing the incidence of clinical mastitis, Strep. uberis subclinical mastitis and antibiotic use intramammary on herd level during a whole year period in herds with presence of this agent.

Appeared in: National Mastitis Council, 2021
Authors: Beulens, A.J.G., Hartjes, J.H.J.

The objective of this study is to compare the serological evolution of serum samples from broilers with maternal immunity from different farms in France that were subsequently vaccinated. To do this, four commercially available kits were used: CIVTEST AVI IBD (HIPRA), ELISA-I, ELISA-S and ELISA-B; all of them are indirect ELISA kits.


Serodiagnosis of Gumboro disease comparing CIVTEST® AVI IBD with 3 other commercial kits. The objective of this study is to compare the serological evolution.

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