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Clinical protection study of pseudorabies vaccine (AUSKIPRA® GN bartha k61 strain) in piglets infected with new Chinese PRV variant


Zeng, R.; Wang, J.; Torrents, D.; Martinez, C.; Pedrazuela, R.; Galé, I.

Appeared in

APVS Congress, 2015

In this study AUSKIPRA® GN reconstituted with RED solvent reduce mortality, lung lesions and fever. Therefore, AUSKIPRA® GN can provide clinical protection in front of new PRV strains.

Since 2011, several pseudorabies (PR) outbreaks have damaged Chinese swine industry. The purpose of this experiment is to test the efficacy of pseudorabies vaccine AUSKIPRA® GN (HIPRA) against new pseudorabies virus variant (AH02).

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