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Comparative study of the effect of intradermal and intramuscular mass vaccination (UNISTRAIN® PRRS) on the course of seroconversion in PRRS-negative pigs


Busquet, M.; Blanch, M.; Torrents, D.; Verdaguer, J.; Sánchez-Matamoros, A

Appeared in

IPVS & ESPHM Congress, 2016

Vaccination with UNISTRAIN® PRRS induces a humoral

response in PRRS-naïve pigs regardless of the injection

technique used. Both injection techniques had a comparable

effect on the antibody response at 28 and 48 dpv, although

some higher antibody levels were observed with the ID route.

Vaccination with UNISTRAIN® PRRS ID seems to be a new, safe

and immunogenic method for PRRS control plans.

The aim of this study was to compare the humoral immune response following vaccination via the ID or the IM route in PRRS-negative pigs under field conditions.

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