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Duration of immunity conferred after vaccination with HIPRABOVIS® SOMNI/LKT in young calves


Foix, A.; Roca-Canudas, M.; Relancio, B.; March, R.

Appeared in

ANEMBE Congress, 2017

The results indicate that vaccination with HIPRABOVIS® SOMNI/Lkt induced a significant response to anti-Lkt antibodies and antibodies to H. somni. These antibodies persisted in vaccinated animals until week 40 after vaccination. The vaccinated animals had lower scores for both for the percentage and severity of lung lesions than the non-vaccinated calf group.

The aim of this trial was to study the duration of immunity conferred by a standard protocol of vaccination with HIPRABOVIS® SOMNI/Lkt based on an evaluation of serological response and lung lesions.

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