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Duration of protective immunity against atrophic rhinitis in piglets after vaccination of gilts using RHINISENG® under field conditions


Acal, L.; De Cleer, J.; L’Helgoualch, R.; Camprodon, A.; Pedrazuela, R.

The study revealed that the immunization of gilts with three doses of RHINISENG® prior to the first farrowing induced a robust humoral response that resulted in a high and homogeneous concentration of colostral antibodies in piglets. The duration of passive immunity against PMT exceeded 70 days of age in all animals and it began to decrease towards 105 days of age in piglets from gilts vaccinated with RHINISENG®.

Sows and gilts are commonly vaccinated to protect their offspring against atrophic rhinitis (AR) caused by toxigenic strains of Bordetella bronchiseptica and Pasteurella multocida type D (PMT). RHINISENG® is a vaccine for the prevention of progressive and non-progressive AR in swine, indicated for pregnant sows and gilts; it contains HIPRAMUNE® Gd as an adjuvant based on ginsenosides. The aim of this study was to evaluate the duration of passive immunity against progressive AR in piglets of gilts vaccinated with RHINISENG®.

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