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Effect of vaccination with a modified-live vaccine on eradication of BOHV-1 infection on a dairy farm (economic impact and clinical problems)


Rypuła, K.; Her, N.; Karuga-Kuźniewska, E.; Ptak, W.

Appeared in

European Buiatrics Forum, 2017

The vaccination programme (DIVA) helped to maintain the farm’s status as “free of BoHV-1”. For success in the eradication of BoHV-1, the following conditions must be fulfilled: vaccination of all animals in a timely manner, constant animal movement control, no purchasing of new animals, continuous improvements in biosecurity, carrying out and collecting full animal documentation and employee commitment.

The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the effect of eradication of BoHV-1 in a dairy herd by means of vaccination and regular monitoring of the eradication process.

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