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Efficacy of a commercial vaccine containing Histophilus somni and Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxoid in young calves under field conditions


Foix, A.; Relancio, B.; March, R.

The results of this study showed that vaccination with HIPRABOVIS® SOMNI/Lkt under field conditions produces a reduction in respiratory problems in calves based on the significant decrease in clinical respiratory signs and pneumonic lung lesions, as well as on the number of drug treatments. This vaccine would therefore enable the guidelines of the EU Commission to be followed by reducing antimicrobial use and improving the health status of the farm.

Efficacy of a commercial vaccine containing Histophilus somni and Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxoid in young calves under field conditions

Since 2011, an action plan on the rational usage of antimicrobials has been implemented by the EU Commission (Cars 2014). Antibiotics are the main measure used for the control of respiratory problems in cattle, while vaccination could be an alternative. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the efficacy under field conditions of a commercial vaccine containing Histophilus somni and Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxoid (HIPRABOVIS® SOMNI/Lkt) in reducing respiratory problems caused by these bacteria in cattle and in reducing the number of drug treatments.