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Environmental policy
Environmental Policy

HIPRA demonstrates its commitment to the environment and sustainable development, both in aspects related to strategic processes and in production, innovation or development of new products, with the aim of responding to present day and future challenges.

Within this context, HIPRA commits to:


  • Integrate the environmental management system into HIPRA’s comprehensive management.

  • Control and continuously improve strategic and production processes in search of excellence in design and development of new products, plans and projects of facilities and/or activities, or in the modification of existing ones.

  • Ensure protection of the environment, reducing the environmental risks detected, as well as the environmental impact produced as a result of activity carried out by HIPRA.

  • Guide HIPRA’s activities towards reducing consumption of natural resources, raw materials and energy resources, via continuous improvement of our facilities and the adoption of practices that are more environmentally friendly.

  • Guide HIPRA’s activities towards reducing and minimizing emissions into the atmosphere, generation of wastewater and generation of waste, as well as any other environmental impact that may be generated.

  • Undertake during daily activity the reductionreuserecycling and valuation of natural resources, as elements inseparable from HIPRA’s activity.

  • Ensure compliance with all legal requirements applicable to our facilities and operations, as well as other voluntary environmental requirements that HIPRA subscribes to.

  • Training and environmental awareness of all people involved in HIPRA’s activities, as well as improvement of communication of environmental matters with all stakeholders.

  • Integrate the sustainability variable in the design and development of new products, plans and projects of facilities and/or activities, or in the modification of existing ones.

  • Act to meet the needs of today's society, without compromising future resources.

  • Respect the nature and biodiversity in environments in which the HIPRA centres are located.