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Field study comparing two neonatal diarrhea vaccines in Brazil


Rodríguez-Ballarà, I.; Ibanez, G.; Grieder, W.

Based on the data presented, SUISENG® vaccination program

implemented in a farm affected by a recurrent o persistent

Colibacillosis was able to prevent the negative effects of E. coli

infection in suckling piglets; thus improving pre-weaning

mortality, the weaning weight and consequently the ADG during

the lactation period. Also in previous studies, SUISENG® has demonstrated better

levels of efficacy than other E.Coli vaccines, even though this is

the first study in Brazil demonstrating such levels of lactation

Neonatal diarrhoea is an important and devastating disease to swine producers, responsible of a big economic impact in farms worldwide. In general, most of the neonatal infections can be prevented by passive calostral and lactogenic immunity obtained by vaccination of the sow. Neonatal diarrhoeas induced by E.coli are commonly prevented through sow vaccination that are booster vaccinated 2-3 weeks before farrowing.

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