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HIPRA begins its journey into Taiwan with the SENG range


As a starting point for the HIPRA TAIWAN subsidiary, and to announce to the Taiwanese swine industry the recent availability of all the products in the SENG range -SUISENG®, RHINISENG® and ERYSENG® PARVO vaccines-, HIPRA organized a launch event on 7 March last at the Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Tainan.

The event hosted more than 200 people nation-wide including guests from swine farms, distributors, professors, scholars from the Academy and officers from Authorities.


HIPRA Taiwan’s Business Manager, Jimmy Cheng, opened the conference and welcomed the attendees to the launching event of HIPRA TAIWAN.

Dr. Alberto Morillo, expert in Swine production in Spain, and the reputable Professor Kuo from the National Chiayi University were the ones to continue the technical session of the conference.

After the break, HIPRA representatives proposed a solution to the market: the “Seng Range”, a line of innovative vaccines against atrophic rhinitis, Clostridium infections, porcine parvovirus and swine erysipelas.

The first speaker, Asia Pacific’s Regional TMM Alex Wu, presented HIPRAMUNE® G, the innovative adjuvant that is present in all the SENG vaccines. To continue, the solutions of the vaccines SUISENG®, ERYSENG® PARVO and RHINISENG® were presented by the Product Managers -Ignacio Bernal and Alba Martos-, who pointed out the global focus and latest tech updates to the audience. A round-table session was also a success due to the great participation of the attendees.

Another important topic of the conference was the announcement of a PRRS seminar in Taiwan to be held during late 2018. This seminar will focus on what is considered to be the most important problem in swine production, and in which HIPRA can provide both solutions and new vaccines for the Taiwanese market.

The closing speech by HIPRA’s CEO clearly delivered the message of why HIPRA is a different company to rely on. He also shared with the audience the corporate values on which HIPRA was founded: Excellence, Credibility and Optimism.

These values are true today and are the basis on which the current and future strategy of the company is settled. Moreover, these values are shared by all HIPRA employees, including the Taiwanese team.