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HIPRA participates in the 52nd AMVEC Congress, 2018


Once again, HIPRA participated in the 52nd AMVEC Congress in 2018 which was held in Mérida, Mexico, and during which a HIPRA University session was held, entitled “Discussion of critical points in reproduction”.

This initiative forms part of the expansion of the ERYSENG PARVO/LEPTO vaccine (a Inactivated vaccine against swine erysipelas, parvovirosis and leptospirosis, in injectable suspension) being carried out by HIPRA in this country.


It was an interactive session attended by 180 participants and was presented by international consultants Alberto Stephano (Stephano Consultores, SC) and Lali Coma (Camprodon Coma SLP).

Subjects such as the critical points in pig breeding and reproductive management were addressed and the key principals for the maintenance of good output on farms were also set out.  


There was also a second HIPRA University block that involved the presentation of different clinical cases in which attendees could participate and interact with the speakers, sharing different points of view on the situations presented.

With the delivery of this training course, HIPRA consolidates its position as the reference in prevention for animal health and strengthens its presence in Mexico, in turn continuing to demonstrate its commitment by means of collaboration between experts and producers.