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Intradermal vaccination (Hipradermic®) with UNISTRAIN® PRRS in a mass vaccination in sows


Busquet, M.; Blanch, M.; Torrents, D.; Verdaguer, J.; Sánchez-Matamoros, A.

Appeared in

IPVS & ESPHM Congress, 2016

We compared the immune response and safety of a mass ID

vaccination with Hipradermic® against PRRS in sows with

vaccination via the conventional IM route. ID vaccination with

UNISTRAIN® PRRS induced similar antibody levels at 28 dpv,

which suggests similar immunogenicity of the ID route.

Furthermore, ID administration suggests a reduction in tissue

lesions as shown by the slight and transient local reactions,

whilst safety and reproductive parameters were comparable to

the traditional IM route

The aim of this study was to demonstrate that UNISTRAIN® PRRS administered using Hipradermic® was as safe and efficacious as when administered via the conventional intramuscular (IM) route in a mass vaccination in sows.

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