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Modeling effectiveness of herd level SUISENG® vaccination against neonatal diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic E. Coli in thai intensive pig farming


Kitchodok, R.; Ananratanakul, C.

Appeared in

IPVS Congress China, 2018

This comparative study highlights that piglets from sows vaccinated with Suiseng® have a better health status and more consistent ADG; SUISENG® can also protect the offspring against E.coli infection throughout the lactating phase vs. the unvaccinated group.

Sows were vaccinated prior to farrowing, thereby transferring passive immunity to their offspring through colostrum.3 Reports on priority results to improve piglet production have been obtained.4 Therefore, changes in piglet performance and reduction of economic losses resulting from SUISENG® were evaluated in Thai commercial facilities.

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