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Safety and efficacy of the combined use of UNISTRAIN PRRS® and AUSKIPRA® GN administered by the intradermal and intramuscular routes under field conditions


Simon-Grifé, M., Fenech, M.; Colomé, M.; Acal, L.; Sitja, M.; March, R.

Appeared in

IPVS Congress China, 2018

lt was demonstrated that the association of UNISTRAIN® PRRS and AUSKIPRA® GN administered by the intradermal and intramuscular routes is as safe and efficacious as the administration of both products separately.

The aim of this study was to demonstrate that the association of UNISTRAIN® PRRS and AUSKIPRA® GN applied by intradermal (ID) or intramuscular route (IM) were as safe and efficacious as when applied separately. 

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