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Safety in use of SUISENG® and RHINISENG® mixture application


The use of a friendly adjuvant from ginseng included in SUISENG® and RHINISENG® vaccines reduced the body temperature after vaccination more than the other commercial vaccines. Moreover, the mixture of SUISENG® and RHINISENG® in the same bottle and applied in a single injection (4ml) showed even lower temperatures after vaccination than other commercial vaccines applied separately in each side of the sow neck.

In many countries inactivated vaccines to prevent Colibacilosis and atrophic rhinitis in pigs, are implemented during the sow gestation period. In Brasil Atrophic Rhinitis is an endemic and chronic disease, therefore most of the farms are vaccinating against this disease and against colibacilosis at the same time. This study show the safety in use of a mixture of SUISENG® (vaccine against the Neonatal Piglet Colibacillosis, C. perfringens and C. novyi enterotoxicosis) and RHINISENG® (Atrophic rhinitis vaccine) vaccines, inactivated vaccines against Colibacilosis-Clostridiosis and Atrophic rhinitis respectively.

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