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Sequencing as a complementary tool integrated in a PRRS monitoring project in European sow farms


Miranda, J.; Puigredon, A.; Pedrazuela, A.; Torrents, A.

Appeared in

IPVS Congress China, 2018

The results of this study suggest that both PRRSV recirculation and lateral infections can play a critical role for the control of PRRS in sow's farms. So, internal and external biosecurity are both key points in the PRRSV control strategies. PRRSV strain-sharing among farms of the same production group or system can be found very often indicating a significant epidemiologic relationship between them.

In many countries there is a lack of systematic and periodic monitoring of PRRS virus (PRRSV) which limits the knowledge on PRRSV infections incidence or prevalence over time on the real PRRS status of the farms. The aim of this study was to establish an epidemiological investigation through PRRSV sequencing.

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