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Study of seronegative subpopulations against swine parvovirus (PPV), swine erysipelas (SE), and swine leptospira (SL) in 21 swine Brazilian herds


Rodríguez-Ballarà, I.; Ibanez, G.

Appeared in

IPVS Congress, 2016

This study confirms that SL circulation in Brazilian swine

commercial farms is low, as it was reported before; and the high

prevalence of seronegative breeders for SE and PPV in Brazilian

farms, as previous studies described.

The objective of this study is to determine the existence of seronegative subpopulations against these 3 reproductive diseases in 21 Brazilian farms which are vaccinating routinely with a commercial trivalent vaccine (parvovirus, erysipela and leptospira).

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