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Surveillance of edema disease in nursery and fattening swine farms


Sánchez-Matamoros, A.; Boix, O.; Valls, L.; Maldonado, J.

Appeared in

European Symposium of Porcine Health Management, 2018

These results demonstrate that both RS and 0F are good samples to detect vt2e gene-positive pig farms. The optimum sampling periods are at 6-7 and 15-16 weeks of age, coinciding with the transition periods (2-3 weeks) between the lactation and nursery units and the nursery and fattening units.

The aim of this study was to test an alternative diagnostic method for ED monitoring based on the detection of the vt2e gene in the oral fluid (0F) of growing pigs, compared to the presence of the vt2e gene in the rectum of the same animals. 

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