Duration of immunity of EVALON® was studied under laboratory conditions in facilities that impaired the introduction of external Eimeria oocysts and that do not favour reinfections. The DOI was evaluated during 60 weeks. At 14, 28, 40 and 60 weeks post-vaccination a group of vaccinated and control birds were inoculated with separate Eimeria challenges using heterologous reference challenge strains.
Extended duration of immunity in a new coccidiosis vaccine for breeders and layers
Bech G., Ros M. Sitjà M, March R, Pagès M
Duration of immunity of EVALON® was studied under laboratory conditions in facilities that impaired the introduction of external Eimeria oocysts and that do not favour reinfections. The DOI was evaluated during 60 weeks. At 14, 28, 40 and 60 weeks post-vaccination a group of vaccinated and control birds were inoculated with separate Eimeria challenges using heterologous reference challenge strains.
Produk terkait
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Layanan terkait
Get your full poultry vaccination plan encompassing all essential data for avian vaccination.
HIPRA has developed a serial of services englobed under the new GLOBAL HATCHERY HEALTH PROGRAMME (GHHP), the new service for hatcheries that will bring innovation and real-time control of the HEALTH of the hatchery.
Vaksinasi Cerdas oleh HIPRA adalah konsep revolusioner yang menggabungkan: Vaksin cerdas yang mencakup teknologi RFID dalam labelnya, perangkat vaksinasi yang memastikan presisi dan efisiensi, serta dunia baru solusi digital dalam HIPRAlink Vaccination. Semua elemen ini dikembangkan secara internal oleh HIPRA.
Untuk Unggas, Vaksinasi Cerdas HIPRA dipelopori oleh vaksin inovatif GUMBOHATCH®, EVANT® dan EVALON® , perangkat medis Hipraject® dan Hipraspray®, serta aplikasi dokter hewan profesional HIPRAlink® Vaccination.
An innovative service based on data analysis that facilitates decision-making in Poultry
HIPRA Stats adalah layanan analisis data untuk perusahaan produksi hewan.
Hipraspray® adalah perangkat semprotan vaksinasi spesifik yang memastikan akurasi, presisi, konsistensi, dan keandalan.
Hipraject® adalah perangkat vaksinasi cerdas untuk injeksi subkutan pada anak ayam
HIPRA University menawarkan program pelatihan berkualitas tinggi di bidang kepentingan strategis bagi profesional
This programme allows you to calculate the optimal dilution of EVANT® & EVALON® for the best coarse spray administration.
This programme allows you to calculate the optimal vaccination date against IBD (infectious bursal disease)
HIPRA telah mengembangkan secara khusus beberapa alat online untuk mendukung dokter hewan dan profesional Kesehatan Hewan lainnya dalam pekerjaan mereka sehari-hari.