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HIPRA launches the new single-dose presentation of ERAVAC® vaccine for companion rabbits


ERAVAC, the first monovalent vaccine licenced for the prevention of rabbit haemorrhagic disease type 2 (RHD-2) for pet rabbits now has a duration of immunity of 12 months making annual vaccination easier for vets and rabbit owners.

ERAVAC is an injectable emulsion ready for administration without the need for reconstitution beforehand.

Containing 10 vials with individual doses, ERAVAC is becoming the choice for active immunization of companion rabbits from 30 days of age.


This single-dose presentation has been authorized by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) with companion rabbits included in the indications as a target species.

With these variations, HIPRA reaffirms its commitment to the prevention of RHD-2 and demonstrates its support for the companion animals sector.
