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Tracing a new path in avian coccidiosis immunology


On 30th November last, HIPRA welcomed a group of twenty-five Turkish veterinarians from the largest poultry companies in Turkey to its facilities in Amer (Spain) for the Official Turkish Launch of EVALON®, HIPRA's live attenuated vaccine against coccidiosis in breeders and layers.


Present at the event was Martina Dardi (Corporate Product Manager for Coccidiosis vaccines at HIPRA) who described the characteristics of EVALON® and the experimental and field trials that have been carried out over the last year.

In her presentation, she emphasized the necessity for a product that meets the needs of the current situation in the poultry industry, the reason for the composition and, above all, the importance of an adjuvant that is able to boost the cellular immune response.


From this arose HIPRA’s idea of developing HIPRAMUNE® T, a component that contains a colorant (light purple) to stimulate preening following “coarse spray” application, a flavouring (vanillin) that promotes this preening behaviour especially in poor light, and an adjuvant for the first time in a live vaccine that boosts the cellular immune response by activating the production of Interferon-Ỵ and IL-2. These ingredients encourage preening and ensure the longest lasting protection ever demonstrated for a coccidiosis vaccine: 60 weeks after vaccination.

Afterwards, Dr. Jesus Rubio (Poultry Business Unit Manager) explained the reasons why HIPRA decided to develop HIPRASPRAY®, a specific device for EVALON® and HIPRACOX® coccidiosis vaccines administration, and the smart vaccination concept provided by HIPRASPRAY® and HIPRALINK® that gives added value to the process, providing transparency and traceability.

In this way, the work of the hatchery is perfectly documented and the field technician receives information on the process in “real time”, all this with the HIPRA guarantee.


The event ended with a practical demonstration of the Smart Vaccination concept in HIPRA’s showroom. Ana Mansilla (Corporate Product Manager for Medical Devices) and Cristina Martin (Marketing Technologist) explained HIPRASPRAY® (a ground-breaking device with improved features with precise dosage and low maintenance) with a real demonstration session, and HIPRALINK® (a vaccination management software tool developed by HIPRA to provide traceability services in the vaccination processes).

With this initiative, HIPRA strengthens its commitment to coccidiosis prevention and demonstrates its support for professionals in the poultry industry in Turkey.