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“A new era in the prevention of gumboro” with GUMBOHATCH® in Peru


On 28 April last, the event entitled “Discovering a new era in the prevention of Gumboro” was held in Lima (Peru). The event brought together veterinarians, producers and industry professionals from around the country. It was the time chosen by HIPRA PERU to present its GUMBOHATCH® vaccine, together with the whole range of services that it provides to the sector for the prevention of Gumboro disease.

The event started with an update on the Gumboro disease situation in America given by Dr. Daral Jackwood of the Department of Animal Health at  the University of Ohio and Fabiano Fabri, HIPRA’s Regional and Technical Marketing Manager for America, which highlighted the rapid change in the disease and the importance of permanent monitoring on the farm (especially using molecular biology techniques). 


Marta Busquet, Brand Manager for the Gumboro line, then presented GUMBOHATCH®, the new generation immune complex vaccine against GUMBORO disease. The presentation focused on explaining why GUMBOHATCH®, with its unique and distinctive characteristics as an immune complex vaccine, is the vaccine of choice in the current challenging situation presented by IBDV, as shown by the results achieved with the vaccine in Europe and America.

From Brazil, Artur Frederico Schlick, manager of PAS REFORM Brazil, presented SMARTVACTMthe most advanced in-ovo vaccination device on the market that, with its “Embryo Soft Touch”, guarantees 100% injection of the vaccines applied in amniotic fluid, maximizing the safety of the embryo during the process.

Finally, Rodolfo Carrasco, Technical and Marketing Manager for Poultry at HIPRA PERU, demonstrated the benefits of the services provided by HIPRA to Peruvian producers for the control of Gumboro. These services are based on complete and innovative programmes of advice and analysis of samples, from the hatchery (with the Global Hatchery Health Programme) to the farm (Gumboro prevention).

With this initiative, HIPRA reaffirms its backing for the fight against Gumboro disease and once more positions itself as the reference company in prevention and diagnosis for the poultry industry.