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Corporate Social Responsibility


HIPRA's corporate social responsibility is inspired by its purpose, policies, and corporate culture. The company actively contributes to the social, economic, and environmental improvement of its environment by collaborating on projects that have a positive impact in these areas. Therefore, HIPRA collaborates on projects with entities that work for:

- The promotion of community well-being: support for educational programs and talent development, job placement, or assistance to people in vulnerable situations.

- The improvement of people's health: programs to assist people affected by certain diseases or support medical and scientific research.

- The promotion of culture and sports: sponsorship of cultural and sporting events.

collaboration entities

Diversity, equity and inclusion


At HIPRA, everyone has equal opportunities, regardless of their ethnic group, country of origin, sexual orientation, race, ability, gender, age, or even personal interests. We strive for everyone to have access to the same opportunities, regardless of their circumstances.

Creating safe and respectful work environments for everyone and combating any type of discrimination has been and continues to be important for HIPRA.


Commitment to health and safety


For HIPRA, the health and safety of its entire team are fundamental and non-negotiable, guiding all the company's actions and commitments.

To achieve this, HIPRA provides its entire team with the training and resources necessary to work safely and healthily, applying the highest standards in workplace design and the implementation of new technologies.


Access to health for everyone


Empowerment in health reflects HIPRA's commitment to society that goes beyond the sale of products and services. The company provides knowledge through dissemination actions, awareness, and other resources in the field of prevention from a One Health perspective.

An example of health knowledge dissemination actions includes HIPRA University courses, technical seminars, conference presentations at congresses and events, collaborations with universities and research centres, as well as training activities for HIPRA personnel.


Work-life balance for the team


HIPRA believes that it is essential to balance the professional and personal lives of its team. Therefore, the company offers flexible hours, vacation policies in line with the practices of each country where it operates, and the possibility of teleworking if the work area allows it, among other options.

Additionally, family leave is offered to facilitate the stages of maternity/paternity.


Professional development of the team


HIPRA firmly supports the growth and professional development of its team and offers a wide range of professional development opportunities to help employees achieve their goals and maximum potential.

The company offers face-to-face and online training on a wide variety of topics, such as technical skills, transversal skills, and personal development, as well as the opportunity to grow within the company. Furthermore, HIPRA fosters a culture of continuous learning where employees can develop their skills and knowledge.
