HIPRA has always been committed to Gumboro disease prevention since the start of its history with poultry vaccines.
In 1979 an inactivated vaccine from the Winterfield strain was launched in Spain: HIPRAGUMBORO® BPL2.
This was followed in 1983 by a cloned live attenuated Winterfield vaccine: HIPRAGUMBORO® CH/80. However, the nineties were complicated times as regards the control of IBD because of the circulation of very virulent strains.

HIPRA currently produces and sells up to 24 different vaccines for poultry, including products used for turkeys.
In 2004 HIPRA was the first and only company in Europe to register a vaccine with an official claim against very virulent IBDV: HIPRAGUMBORO® GM97.
As the disease has evolved over the years and given that a live attenuated vaccine can be neutralized by maternally derived antibodies, HIPRA needed to further develop its options in terms of Gumboro disease prevention.
In 2019, HIPRA is launching its first immune-complex vaccine:
GUMBOHATCH® is a technological vaccine against Gumboro disease that can be applied in the hatchery on the 18th day of embryonation using in-ovo equipment or by the subcutaneous route on the day of birth of the chick.
GUMBOHATCH® vaccine can be applied in the hatchery using Hipraject®, HIPRA's vaccination device for in-ovo or subcutaneous route.
With GUMBOHATCH® HIPRA will also introduce its unique concept of Smart Vaccination to Gumboro prevention that will guarantee full traceability of the process of vaccination.