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Innovation in subcutaneous vaccine administration: the step forward


Five years ago, HIPRA unveiled SMART VACCINATION, a completely new and revolutionary concept that combines technology, expertise and customer service. The idea behind this project is to offer customers maximum reliability (precision, control and safety) when administrating animal health vaccines.

SMART VACCINATION  has been completely designed, developed and produced by HIPRA and brings together three interconnected elements: highly innovative vaccine with RFID on the vialsmart vaccination devices and a specific vaccination management software (HIPRAlink® Vaccination).

These three elements are fully linked and work in unison to ensure complete control of the vaccination process. Implementing SMART VACCINATION will enable users to receive automatic accurate information about the vaccination process, facilitating decision-making through enhanced monitoring, planning and data analysis.


At the present time, the SMART VACCINATION concept is being revitalized with the launch of a new vaccine, GUMBOHATCH®, an innovative immune-complex vaccine against Gumboro disease with unique IgY from eggs and specific controls to ensure the complete coating of the IBDV virus.

To incorporate GUMBOHATCH® into the SMART VACCINATION concept, HIPRA has specifically developed Hipraject®, a smart device for subcutaneous administration that has brought significant advantages and innovative features to the use of this route of administration.

VIDEO SUMMARY: Hipraject®, the main innovative features:


Delivery of a precise dosage of 0.2 ml/shot throughout the entire vaccination process, thanks to the injection system provided by electrical activators.

Control of the vaccination speed of 3,000 chicks/hour, thanks to the way in which the electrical activators work, ensuring that the rate of vaccination is optimal to guarantee the quality of vaccination.

The anti-error position of the bevel of the needle. Hipraject® was designed with the aim of ensuring the correct vaccination of chickens. It therefore has an anti-error needle positioning system based on the poka-yoke concept.

programme that regulates the needle penetration depth:

  • P1: For chicks from batches of young breeders.
  • P2: For chicks from batches of more adult breeders.

The ability to detect and correct the presence of air in the circuit, and the flow of vaccine in the vaccine connectors. Ease of operation and maintenance.

Hipraject® is an Internet of things (IoT) device and offers traceability and control of the vaccination process thanks to its communication with HIPRAlink® Vaccination.



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