
HIPRA launches ICTHIOVAC® VR/PD vaccine on to the Turkish market

On May 8th, HIPRA launched its well-known ICTHIOVAC® VR/PD vaccine on to the Turkish market, an injectable vaccine registered for sea bass against Vibriosis and Pasteurellosis

For the event, which took place at the company’s headquarters, local producers and fish health specialists from the major players in the Turkish aquaculture industry were invited.


ICTHIOVAC® VR/PD contains 4 different antigens (P. damselae subs. piscicida, L. anguillarum serotype O1, L. anguillarum serotype O2a, L. anguillarum serotype O2b) and AQUAMUN, HIPRA’s adjuvant for aquaculture.

Conferring strong protection against Vibriosis and Pasteurellosis, ICTHIOVAC® VR/PD offers the perfect combination of long-lasting immunization, together with a reduced inflammatory reaction and less internal damage.

The negative impact of these two classic pathologies is becoming an increasing concern amongst Mediterranean producers, mainly due to the high prevalence resulting from the intensification of farming and the existence of natural reservoirs in the wild.


Participants were welcomed by Jordi Baborés (Zone Director EMEA & CIS at HIPRA), who apart from presenting HIPRA as a company, highlighted its distinctive valuesquality, innovation and commitment, with Animal Health prevention as its main focus.

Gustavo Espelleta (External consultant), spoke about how external environmental factors are influencing the evolution of the different pathologies affecting Mediterranean Aquaculture, and the new challenges the industry will be facing in terms of diseases in the coming years.

Continuing with the talks, Marta Figa (Support and Innovation Manager at HIPRA) briefly presented all the different trials which were carried out during ICTHIOVAC® VR/PD development, mainly focusing on the safety and efficacy aspects of the vaccine.

To conclude the technical sessions, Erik Díaz (Product Manager at HIPRA) spoke about the current situation of Mediterranean aquaculture in terms of vaccination; from a practical point of view as well as the different important aspects which need to be taken into account when planning a vaccination.

Fish and vaccine performance, together with vaccination monitoring, were also topics discussed.

By organizing such an event, HIPRA reaffirms its commitment to prevention in Animal Health and particularly the Aquaculture sector.