
HIPRA at the Western Canadian Association of Bovine Practitioners conference (WCABP)

For the fourth year in a row, HIPRA sponsored a Technical Breakfast Session at the 26th annual WCABP conference in Saskatoon (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 19th January 2017. On this occasion we invited Dr. Tom Greenham, a vet practitioner from the United Kingdom, to give a lecture entitled “Udder Health: New tricks for an old problem”.


Dr. Greenham is an udder health consultant veterinarian for Precision Milking, a consultancy business that provides specialist advice and services for udder health and milking machine optimisation for farms throughout the United Kingdom. He is also a veterinarian for Lambert Leonard and May, a specialist dairy practice in the west of England. He delivers several training courses for farmers and lectures at UK veterinary schools.

Dr. Greenham’s lecture sparked a great deal of interest as it highlighted some of the new tools used to assess and address some well recognized problems such as cow cleanliness, pre-milking disinfection success, teat defence integrity, milking machine performance, and cow immunity, amongst other things. Some case studies and practical examples were explained, showing how the implementation of some of these novel solutions, such as vaccination with TOPVAC® , can help in reducing mastitis rates and severity.

This initiative strengthens HIPRA’s commitment to dairy vets in Western Canada, by providing technical support and continuing education.