
New HIPRA UNIVERSITY “Together against PRRS”

On 10, 18 and 25 May, HIPRA invited 160 Spanish veterinarians to participate in the HIPRA UNIVERSITY “Together against PRRS” course in Murcia, Lleida and Valladolid, respectively (Spain).

Several PRRS experts took part in the different sessions. Gerard Martín Valls (UAB) and Ivan Díaz Luque (IRTA-CReSA) updated the attendees on the latest work in the field of PRRS diagnosis. Alex Ramírez (Iowa State University) presented the “Strategies for the control and elimination of PRRS in the USA”, and Alberto Morillo (Test and Trials) presented a practical approach based on the control of production data on farms


Round table discussions were organised in the second half of the sessions, in which the speakers - together with Albert Finestra (Test Support Consulting), Emilio Magallon (Inga Food), Jordi Baliellas (Interporc) and Mar Lara (Nudesa) - debated and shared the concerns raised by field veterinarians.

Finally, on behalf of HIPRA, Marta Busquet, Corporate Product Manager of Medical Devices, presented the new Hipradermic® 2.0 devide for the intradermal administration of UNISTRAIN® PRRS vaccine. After one year on the market, HIPRA has released the second version of the device, with improvements made to safety, ergonomics and correct dose administration.

With these HIPRA UNIVERSITY “Together against PRRS” courses, HIPRA, in collaboration with experts and producers, continues to show its dedication to the fight against PRRS.