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HIPRA focuses on goat mastitis at the AABP/AASRP Conference in the United States

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On September 22nd, HIPRA was present at the 56th AABP/AASRP Conference alongside Premier1 Supplies to discuss VIMCO® and the numerous benefits of mastitis vaccination in goats during a symposium at the same event.

Part of the HIPRA team travelled to Milwaukee, United States to participate in the 56th  AABP/AASRP Conference, one of the most important state-level events for the ruminant sector. Together with Premier1 Supplies, they presented the attendees at the congress with the vaccine against mastitis in small ruminants, VIMCO®. The importance of fighting this often overlooked disease in the sector was also discussed.

During the congress, HIPRA organized a talk given by the Ruminants Business Unit Director, Juli Badia, in which he explained the impact of vaccination with VIMCO® on reducing the incidence of mastitis, as well as the reduction in the use of antibiotics.


VIMCO® entered the American market in 2018, backed by a long track record in other European markets where it has achieved very good results in reducing both clinical and subclinical mastitis cases. For HIPRA, the registration and sale of this vaccine in the United States is a milestone for the company, which is committed to continuing its growth in a market that has shown great interest in this product.

HIPRA would like to thank all the attendees at the event for their interest and participation, and to give special thanks to Premier1 Supplies for their collaboration and assistance in organizing the event.